Team Project

Team 6 three members were on involved on this project for United Kingdom Travel recommendations

Team 6 Project

Team Members

Rumina Choudhury As a team member of Team 6

I was responsible for developing the front web page for users using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, I created a Power BI dashboard for stakeholders to explain travel recommendations using charts and graphs. For the front-end development, I designed a user-friendly and responsive web page. This included implementing a carbon footprint tracker for travel and integrating a weather API to provide real-time updates. The page was optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. In my role, I also focused on data analysis for travel stakeholders. I collected and cleaned travel-related data to ensure accuracy. Using this data, I created a comprehensive Power BI dashboard. The dashboard visualizes key metrics and trends through charts and graphs, allowing stakeholders to make well-informed travel recommendations and decisions based on the insights provided.

Iryna Usenko As a team member of Team 6

Iryna was responsible for collecting and cleaning data. She gathered information on carbon and hotel footprints and created the dashboard for the hotel carbon footprint. Additionally, she played a key role in decision-making on how the project would turn out. I also included data on the carbon footprint worldwide and energy usage in the UK. Iryna designed her own page specifically for energy usage, which provided detailed insights and trends. Her innovative approach ensured that all relevant data was well-organized and accessible for analysis.

Mahammed Salim As a team member of Team 6

I have been working on getting open data source and cleaning and preparing the dataset for further analysis and visualisation and also done dashboard for the visualisation of the data sets we got to the client My contributions to the dashboard included: Carbon Footprint Calculator Designing and integrating the carbon footprint calculator. Shopping and Restaurant Recommendations Developing this feature to provide personalized suggestions. Data Loading: Ensuring seamless data loading into Power BI for dynamic visualization.